At the moment Cultural Centre Valve doesn’t have any vacancies. Valve is a City of Oulu organization, and any future vacancies will be published on City of Oulu, and Kuntarekry websites.

Open Applications

If you wish to send us an open job or internship application, you can send it to our Administration & Human Resources Secretary:
Terhi Vesterelve terhi.vesterelve(at)

With internships we prioritize longer internship periods. Please note that we won’t be able to go through and arrange the internship with a short notice, so make sure to sen in your application well in advance, before the preferred internship’s time period.

Note that Cultural Centre Valve is a headquarters for a large number of different cultural field operators and associations. You can find information about their job opportunities through their own channels.

Application Period for Summer Jobs in February-March – Apply now!

Cultural Centre Valve, along with its operators offers open summer jobs annually for Oulu-based students over the age of 18. The summer jobs are for example positions in different events, festivals and camps.

You can find the summer jobs through BusinessOulu’s website. Application period for 2025 summer jobs is 27.1.–10.3.2025. You can find the available jobs at Valve here, by choosing sivistys- ja kulttuuripalvelut and scrolling the list to search for kulttuuritalo Valve.