You can find our accessibility statement and information about the cookies and data protection and processing personal data from this page.
This website of Cultural Centre Valve was launched on 1st of February 2025. All information on this website will be kept as up-to-date and error-free as possible. However, Cultural Centre Valve does not take responsibility of any direct or indirect harm caused by website service errors or incorrect information.
Accessibility Statement
This accessibility statement is affiliated to the website The statement was written on 14th of January 2025, and last updated on 14th of January 2025.
We have evaluated the service’s accessibility ourself, in coopearation with the website’s technical executor Hion Digital.
On our website, we aim to guarantee equal digital accessibility to all, and better the user experience when necessary. We use the Siteimprove tool to track the website’s accessibility.
Website’s Accessibility Status website partly meets the accessibility requirements. For the most part the website meets the demands required by law, and the website does not have any critical accessibility deficiencies.
In the following, we will describe the accessibility deficiencies known to us at the moment.
Non-Accessible Content
Lacking Alternative Texts
- Alternative texts (alt-text) might be lacking from some of the images, or image links. We are currently working on fixing this.
- Accessibility requirements unmet: “1.1.1 Ei-tekstuaalinen sisältö” (eng. non-textual contents)
Images Presenting Text
- Event marketing images or other marketing images might occasionally have text that is not provided in accessible form. We are currently working on fixing this.
- Accessibility requirements unmet: “1.4.5 Tekstiä esittävät kuvat” (eng. images presenting text)
Social Media
- Cultural Centre Valve has Facebook and Instagram channels in active use. We aim to pay attention to the accessibility of our social media posts as well. However, we have multiple people creating content and for example alt-texts are lacking from some of the posts. We are currently working on fixing this.
- Please contact us if you need any further accessible information about our social media content!
Issues with Website’s Accessibility – Contact us
Did you notice deficiencies in our website’s accessibility? Please inform us about it, and we will do our best to fix it. You can contact us through our feedback form or via e-mail: kulttuurivalve(at) We hope you will contact us if you need information about the contents of our website that can not be accessed due to accessibility deficiencies.
If you notice accessibility deficiencies on this website, please give feedback to us directly first. If you are not happy with our response, or do not get a response at all within two weeks (14 days), you can issue a report to the supervising authority Finnish Transport and Communicatios Agency Traficom.
Contact Information of the Supervising Authority
Finnish Transport and Communicatios Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
telephone switchboard +358 29 534 5000
På Svenska:
Transport- och kommunikationsverket Traficom
Enheten för tillsyn över digital tillgänglighet
telefonnummer växeln 029 534 5000
Data Protection and Processing Personal Data
Organizing some of the Cultural Centre Valve’s services requires collecting and processing personal information (persons’ unique identifier and information relevant to organizing said services). Personal information will be primarily collected from the customer personally. All personal information will be processed accordingly, and only for the purpose predetermined. When processing personal data, we follow the law and etiquette of personal data processing practices.
Further information about data protection and relevant privacy policies can be found from City of Oulu’s Privacy Policy page (pick “kulttuuri- ja museotoimen päätietovaranto”). The page is unfortunately only in Finnish.
More information can also be found on Data Protection and Information Management page (City of Oulu).
If you have any questions about the processing of personal data or recorded data, you can contact us through our feedback form or via e-mail: kulttuurivalve(at)