Cultural Centre Valve has a ticket office that can handle your event’s possible advance ticket sales (through the ticket office, and Ticketmaster), as well as the door ticket sales, within the ticket office’s opening hours. You can also handle the ticket sales fully independently.
Contact us: Ticket sales cooperation must be agreed on at least two (2) weeks before opening the sales.
NB! Before marketing the event’s ticket sales on your channels, make sure that the ticket sales deal has been fully settled with Valve Ticket Office, and that you are aware of the ticket sale’s opening date.
Ticketmaster: Tickets sold at the Valve Ticket Office will automatically be sold on Ticketmaster’s channels as well. Valve’s ticket office does not charge the customers for additional service fees, but Ticketmaster’s channels will. The amount of the service fee depends on the ticket price. Please give us your ticket’s price without the service fee added.
Event Organizer’s Expenses: Cultural Centre Valve will charge a 0,85 € (inc. vat) commission per each purchased ticket. If the event gets cancelled, the commission will be charged for purchased tickets, as well as cancelled tickets.
Kaikukortti Card: Cultural Centre Valve is a part of the national Kaikukortti card network, and we require the organizers renting facilities to offer Kaikukortti tickets in performances with an entrance fee. More information about the Kaikukortti card on their website and City of Oulu’s Kaikukortti principles on their website. The amount of available Kaikukortti tickets per performance will be discussed upon the ticket sales cooperation agreement.
Contact person on ticket sales related matters:
Laura Kärki
Service Point Administrator (ticket inquiries and bookings from ticket office's contacts)
We’ll need the following information for the ticket sales:
- Name of the event organizer
- Addresss, postal code and city/town
- Business ID (y-tunnus) or social security number
- Bank account number in IBAN form
- Preferred date for opening the ticket sales
- Name of the performance/event
- Specific dates and times
- Short description of the event’s/performance’s contents
- Duration of the event, and info about possible intermissions etc.
- Age limits or recommendations if applies
- Other additional info for the audience, for example related to performance tech (perfomance has loud noises or flashing lights etc.)
- Ticket prices and types (possible discount categories)
- Number of Kaikukortti card tickets. Cultural Centre Valve is a part of the Kaikukortti network, and providing Kaikukortti tickets must be taken into consideration by the organizer.
- The type of stand released for sale (number of seats, are the seats numbered or unnumbered)
Valvesali Hall Stand
Read details about Valvesali Hall and its booking policies on its dedicated page. You can find the stand map of Valvesali Hall as a pdf-file below.
Valvesali Hall uses an adaptable telescopic stand, which allows to modify the size and depth of the stand. Starting from row two, it is a rising stand. The stand is 14 meters wide. All stand sizes can be used as either numbered or unnumbered.
Stand Sizes:
- 175 seats + 3 wheelchair accessible spots, rows 1-12,
remaining stage depth: 8 meters - 139 seats + 3 wheelchair accessible spots, rows 1-9,
remaining stage depth: 9,6 meters - 123 seats + 3 wheelchair accessible spots, rows 1-8,
remaining stage depth: 10 meters - 107 seats + 3 wheelchair accessible spots, rowst 1-7,
remaining stage depth: 11 meters - 91 seats + 3 wheelchair accessible spots, rows 1-6,
remaining stage depth: 12 meters - 75 seats + 3 wheelchair accessible spots, rows 1-5,
remaining stage depth: 13 meters - 59 seats + 3 wheelchair accessible spots, rows 1-4,
remaining stage depth: 14 meters - 43 seats + wheelchair accessible spots, rows 1-3
remaining stage depth: 14,90 meters - 27 seats + wheelchair accessible spots, rows 1-2,
remaining stage depth: 15,75 meters - 11 seats + 3 wheelchair accessible spots, row 1,
remaining stage depth: 16,66 meters - When the stand is fully compacted, the space is 16,94 meters deep
Wheelchair Accessible Spots: Wheelchair accessible spots are located on the first row, on floor level. In a numbered stand, seat 11 from the first row and seats 26 and 27 from the second row are reserved for the assistants of the people using wheelchairs. Seats reserved for assistants will be released for normal sale if necessary, closet to the event.
Stand of Seperate Chairs: It is possible to build the stand with seperate chairs as well. The chairs must be attached to each other (in 4 chair groups at minimum), if there’s more than 60 of them. The chairs must also be attached to base, if the seating area is tilted or if there’s height differences between the floors of seperate seating areas (Finlex, F2 “Suomen rakennusmääräyskokoelma” eng. Finland’s building codes). Regarding special built stands, event organizer must contact the head of tech (contact info below) well in advance before even opening the ticket sales.
Valvenäyttämö Stage
Approximately 40-seat Valvenäyttämö Stage located on the second floor of Valve, is the home stage of The Student Theatre of Oulu and Theatre Akseli Klonk. Booking the Valvenäyttämö Stage must be agreed on with them. Learn more about Valvenäyttämö on its dedicated page. Ticket sales for events on Valvenäyttämö can be arranged through Valve Ticket Office.
Studio Cinema
The 45-seat Studio Cinema is located on the second floor of Valve. Read details about Studio Cinema and its booking policies on its dedicated page. Ticket sales for events in Studio can be arranged through Valve Ticket Office.
Other Facilities
If you’re organizing an event with entrance fee, in some other facility at Valve, please contact the ticket office’s contact person at least two weeks before opening the event’s ticket sales.
Cooperative Communication
Read about our communication guidelines and opportunities for cooperative marketing with Valve.