In the Oulu region, kulttuurikummis (culture "godparents") bring culture to nursing homes as volunteers.
Kulttuurikummis bring cultural well-being to the residents of care and nursing homes, their relatives and staff. Cultural experiences can be, for example, music and dance performances, story sessions and art exhibitions. The kulttuurikummi network is organized, supported and guided by Heidi Jäärni, the cultural coordinator of Oulu elderly services and general cultural services. Members in the network also receive information and training about applied art, volunteering and opportunities for cooperation in cultural patrons' meetings. Kulttuurikummis are also offered some cultural experiences for themselves, such as free concerts and theater performances in Oulu.
Kulttuurikummi activities are constantly developing and taking new forms. Visits have already been made to services for disabled people, for example. In the future, a new concept, "culture companions", will also be experimented. Culture companions accompany people who need support to culture events or places.
New kulttuurikummis are welcome to join. You can be a professional in culture or have culture-related hobbies, or be an individual actor, a school or an association who has the know-how in the field of art and a desire to take it to the elderly.
More information from Heidi Jäärni / kulttuurikummit(at)ouka.fi
The cultural friends have their own Facebook group (in Finnish) – you are welcome to join!