Cultural Sponsors for The Elderly are volunteers who visit the nursing homes and assisted living units in the Oulu area. They bring cultural experiences such as music and dance performances, storytelling sessions, or art exhibitions for the residents’ enjoyment.
Cultural Sponsor services in Oulu were established in 2015. Services bring cultural well-being to the residents and their relatives, as well as the staff of nursing homes and assisted living units.
Cultural Sponsors also get to attend organized meetings, where they recieve information and training in applied arts, being a volunteer, and about collaboration opportunities. In addition the sponsors get the benefit of free concert and theatre tickets in Oulu.
New operators welcomed
New Cultural Sponsors are welcomed to join in any time! A Cultural Sponsor can be an amateur or a professional of the cultural field, independent operator, a school, or an association that has know-how of the artistic field, and is willing to utilize it to help elderly people.
The Cultural Sponsor services develop constantly, and adds in new layers while doing so. Sponsors are also already operating in services for people with disabilities. The future plans involve testing Cultural Buddies as a part of the Cultural Sponsor services. Cultural Buddies are volunteers who accompany people who need support, to culture events and locations.
Cultural Sponsors for elderly people have their own Facebook group – you are welcome to join (Facebook group operates mainly in Finnish)!